Connect to GitHub using SSH

Imagine with me a secure access to your Github account from you local machine without supplying your username/password each time you visit your projects/repositories. Absolutely possible 👍
Let’s see how we can setup such authentication.
Note: command line used in this article are for the mac OS
Do I have an SSH key ?
First you need to check that your local machine has an SSH key:
- List all files under .ssh folder
ls -al ~/.ssh
- If the list contains files such:
then you already have an ssh key, in this case skip next step.
If not generate one and add it to the ssh-agent. To do so, follow the steps below:
1- Open the terminal and run the command
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
- Replace with your Github email)
- In case Ed25519 algorithm not supported on your OS, use the command below instead :
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
- You have the choice to keep the default file name or change it and then you will be asked to enter a passphrase
2- Add the key to the ssh-agent following this step-by-step from the official Github docs page “Adding your SSH key to the ssh-agent”
Now we finished with our SSH key, Let’s link it in the Github server.
Link the SSH key to my Github account
- Login to your Github account on the web
- Click on the top right profile photo and go to Setting

- Then go to SSH and GPG keys

- Add new SSH key by clicking on “New SSH key”

- You will be prompted to the screen below.

- As a title, you need to specify something that will help you remember which machine this key is created for (for example: my-macbook-air, my-dell-inspiron-5050, pc-hp-993,…)
993 was random 😅 not sure hp 993 exists😜😜
- Now you need to go back to the terminal, copy the content of the public key by running
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
and paste it in ‘Key’ - Save by clicking ‘Add SSH key’
Now you are ready to access you Github account from your machine without any username / password authentication.
As an example, let’s clone a repository

git clone<your_username>/<your_repository>.git
After your first successful access, you will notice that Github marked the key as used.

Let me know in the comments if it was helpful 😃
Thank you guys.