Visual studio code (VS code) Ubuntu theme

If you are a fan of Visual Studio Code you might think about how to change the theme of your editor and add some very beautiful customization such as files icons, background & window colors…etc, and make it looks much better, then you are reading right now a very similar story of yours and I want to share with you how i deal with it in very simple steps.
Let’s Start.
VS code installation
This paragraph is dedicated for people who are using the tool for the first time.
- Download the .deb file from the official web site
- Open the directory containing the deb file and run the command below in order to install the package:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install ./[NAME_OF_THE_DOWNLOADED_FILE].deb
- After the installation finishes, you can check the version of the IDE:
code --version

My pure custom theme “Ubuntu theme” 😎
I like the default colors of the Ubuntu OS desktop UI, Actually i don’t need to tell, you will find out after you see this 👇

Of course you can put any other colors you want for any part of the IDE (bars, window, editor’s background, ….).

To apply such theme you need just to change some config in the default setting.json file under VSCODE > Ctrl + shift + p > Preferences: Open Setting (JSON)

For more details: follow the steps right here.
Material Icon theme
You can also install the famous Material Icon theme plugin from VS extensions, to customize your file icons display. It really gives a beautiful view helping detecting the files by its extensions quickly.
- Go to Extensions on your left (see screenshot below), and search for Material Icon theme and hit install. Restart the IDE opening one of your projects and enjoy the view 😉

Thanks for reading and happy coding 💻 ☕️ ☕